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Welcome to Military Hazards:

Your Single Source of Truth for Occupational Military Hazard Information!

Throughout their service to our country, military personnel face numerous occupational hazards that can impact both their health and safety. Finding reliable and up-to-date information about these hazards can, no doubt, be a daunting task. That’s where we come in. We have made it our mission to provide our military members, from the Air Force, Navy, Marines, and Army, with accurate and trustworthy information about the occupational hazards they may encounter during their time in service.

Reliable information is hard to find because the nature of military service often involves exposure to unique and ever-evolving risks. Traditional sources may not have the latest data or fail to cover the full range of hazards. However, we understand the importance of being well-informed, which is why we have worked extremely hard to gather comprehensive information from various reliable sources and consolidate it into a single, user-friendly platform so that you don’t have to.

Agent Orange

During the Vietnam War, military personnel were exposed to this herbicide, which contains harmful chemicals. It has been linked to various health issues, such as cancer and respiratory diseases.

PFAS Contamination

Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, otherwise known as PFAS, are engineered chemicals found in firefighting foams and other military applications. Exposure to PFAS can lead to adverse health effects, including immune system disorders and certain types of cancer.

Fuel Leaks

Military operations often involve handling and transportation different types of fuels. Fuel leaks can result in exposure to toxic chemicals, causing health problems such as respiratory issues and skin conditions.

Water Contamination

Some military installations face significant challenges with water contamination, including pollutants from industrial activities or outdated infrastructure. Exposure to contaminated water sources can pose serious risks to the health of military personnel.

Radiation Exposure

Service members who work with or around nuclear materials, participate in radiological operations, or operate near nuclear reactors face potential radiation exposure. Such exposure can lead to various health conditions, including cancer and genetic damage.

Lead Poisoning

Exposure to lead-based paint, ammunition, and piping is an ever present danger in military settings. Lead poisoning has been known to affect cognitive function, cardiovascular health, and the nervous system.

Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos was commonly used in military construction materials, especially in older buildings and ships. Inhalation of asbestos can lead to serious respiratory conditions such as mesothelioma and lung cancer.

Maintenance and Construction Hazards

Military personnel engaged in general maintenance, repairs, and construction projects may encounter hazards such as falls, slips, electrocutions, inhalation of hazardous materials, excessive vibration, and noise.

Burn Pits

Open-air burn pits were used to dispose of waste caused by military operations overseas. Exposure to burn pit emissions, including toxic chemicals and pollutants, has been associated with respiratory disorders and other health problems.

At Military Hazards, we are committed to providing you with accurate, reliable, and up-to-date information about these occupational hazards and more. We continuously monitor research, official reports, and expert insights to ensure our content is comprehensive and trustworthy.

By making our website your go-to resource, you can stay informed about the risks you may face during your military service. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge necessary to stay safe and give you the tools to decide for yourself what steps you need to take to find relief and address your exposure concerns. Explore our website today and take control of your occupational health and safety. Military Hazards is here to be your unwavering source of truth in an ever-evolving world.